Life as a drummer
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The drumline
At my school, i'm the captain of the drumline. Which is quite a pleasure. Lol,that sounded stupid. Its fun,cause its the best class to have.

And being the drum captain,i have total controll. I get to scream,make them be queit,do whatever. Things like this are needed.

The people of the drumline are...

Quintline ( Present)




Snareline (present)

Edmond ( co captain)



Jacob ( Challenging Michael Friday for his position probably)

AJ ( Loves to challenge Jacob. Loses though.

Kyle ( He has the same name as me.)




La Marcus

Justin ( Challenging Kyle for his position friday probably. )

Thats the present drumline. If anyone takes people's positions are spots. I'll change this part up. And that might happen alot.

Whadawe do?
Good question. Even though you didn't ask it. I'll fill you in anyway. We play the drums! My work here is done... lol. Just kidding.

WE do play drums though. But i'm guessing you already figured that out . Unless your slow... I hope your not! We play our songs ,just the drumline at football games to get the crowd pumpt,and we play with the rest of the band. But thats just plain boring.

We have two different seasons. Marching and Concert.

Marching :

This is my favorite. We play all the cool songs, by ourselves. But we still have to play with the band on some songs. We have totally different drums. Like the quints,quads,snares,and bass. We play at football games and other places.

Concert :

In this. The drums we have is snares,Maybe one bass. And then we have stuff like the triangle. So you can see its kinda boring. But when we play at concerts,and tournaments,you get that good feeling inside. I guess... Oh whatever...