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Here you'll see the goods of anime. My favorite animes,your favorites. Learn about it. Whatever,just check it out if your interested.

  Yu Yu Hakusho Basically,Yu Yu Hakusho is about a 14 year old kid who died in a accident one day,but was promised his life back because his death was unexpected. But after the struggle of getting back alive,he is made spirit detective.

And thats how he gets into so much trouble. You should check it out for yourself. Its cool.

(More info coming soon!)

Kurama : After filling the room with the rose's fresh aroma. You odar was easy to track you down......

A group pic
  FLCL Also known as Fooly Cooly. Its a weird,different,but super funny and cool show. Its about ...

A kid named Naota who was hit by the motorcycle of a alien. And that alien is living with him. And a bunch of other weird stuff happens.

Things come out of his heads,robots live with him and are running their arrons. Sometimes in the show they go Manga style. Which is like comic book,and thats where it gets really funny.

Oh well,just check it out.

(More info coming soon!)


Noata : Does any of this come to a shock to you?.....

Main Character of Fooly Cooly
  Inu Yasha Inu Yasha is one of the all time greats. Its about a half demon who starts on a search for the shikon jewel shards. Jewel of four souls. So he can become full demon.

On the way he encounters some people,and gains allies.

Example : Kagome,Shippo,Miyago,Miroku,and Sango.

He also has some trouble from enemies along the way too!

Example :

Sessamaru - Inu Yasha's evil brother. A full demon who is trying to kill Inu Yasha and take his sword that he thinks should be rightfully his. Its known as the Tetseiga.

Koga - The wolf demon. Not much known about this character.

Demons - Demons are hideous creatures. Beasts of some sort . Inu yasha can always smell them out,and the blood that they carry. Usually carry jewel shards.

Naraku - The main bad guy. He's more powerful then anyone,and can only defeated by Kikyo,or Kagome. Just a strike of their arrow could do him in. But he is mighty powerful. But he is also after the jewel shards,cause he to is a half demon.

Naraku is also the hated by everyone. Everyone has a reason to get back at him. Inu Yasha was tricked that Kikyo put him to sleep for about a hundred years,Naraku disguesed himself as Inu Yasha and killed Kikyo. (Inu Yasha and Kikyo were lovers at one time) He put a whole in Miroku's hand causing a dangerous,wind tunnel,that could one day kill him. And the curse will dissappear when Naraku is dead. Naraku used Sango's brother,and killed him. And the rest just hate him!

(More info coming soon!)


Inu Yasha,Kagome, and Shippo